Commercial Videography
We handle the hassle, you handle the outcome. We put you in control of a camera in the air. You have full artistic and post production control without needing to worry about all of the rules and regulations of flying.

Mining Operations
Forecasting, Volumetrics, GIS surveys, 3D Mapping, LIDAR, Synthetic Radar, and Multi-Spectral analyses of any location in the world can be accomplished with factors of efficiency never seen before. UAS can conduct more thorough analyses than traditional aircraft with low-variable costs at any altitude, even inside tunnels.

Public Safety and Emergency Response
When time and resources are precious, find moving targets based on specific algorithms so that you don't have to search the entire haystack for the needle. Using moving taget indicators (MTI) leverages the best available technology to derive the best possible outcomes.
Learn more about Sentient Vision's Kestrel and ViDar systems here.

Our processes and procedures can make farming more simple and more efficient. From soil and moisture analysis to crop health and spraying, airborne data has never been more accessible. Combined with modern sensors, UAS can bring a new level of precision to resource application, disease detection, and volumetric measurements.

From pipeline monitoring using tools like change detection and thermal imaging, to flare stack inspections, to solar farm inspections, SkyTap's UAS dramatically reduce the need to use large aircraft, cranes or heavy equipment. The improved cost savings and safety margins will help each piston of your operation drive your results towards growth.

Change Detection can compare a baseline of imagery to a property after a natural disaster or claim. Precise volumetrics and analysis can ensure adequate coverage and prevent fraud.
2D and 3D maps and models using cutting edge software. High definition imaging and video for progress updates, investor meetings, sales, marketing and more.
We can provide on-demand maps and elevation data for your latest excavation and project milestone to ensure on time and on budget delivery to your clients.

Civil Engineering
Our countries infrastructure is vast and complex. Aerial inspections, mapping and analysis of materials can ensure your structures function exactly as you intended them to. We provide you with big picture data to help you make big decisions for years to come.

Our mobile devices play a role in our lives that we easily take for granted. How many of us no longer own a landline telephone? What does that mean under those rare circumstances when our critical telecom infrastructure fails? Frequent and in depth inspections of cellular towers and antennae using SkyTap's platforms can ensure that we all stay connected when it really matters.